Tag: HRT

Avoiding Weight Gain During Menopause

The majority of women find that weight gain and menopause seem to happen at around the same time. It is during this hormonal period that weight gain occurs, possibly due to changes in lifestyle. However, it is different in that we put the weight on around the stomach instead of around the hips as happened when we were younger.

This can be explained because of lower levels of estrogen due to the cessation of menstruation and subsequent ovulation.

It may also be a result of a loss in muscle tissue. As we get older, our muscle bulk lessens and the metabolism slows down.

Lifestyle changes can also be partially responsible for this weight gain. If you are eating the same diet as when you were premenopausal, you may find the weight piling on due to the slowing of the metabolism. You need to watch your fat intake and increase, or at least maintain an adequate level of activity.

Many women believe that hormone replacement therapy or HRT as it is more commonly known, causes weight gain. This is a myth and, if you are prone to weight gain, you will put on weight regardless of whether or not you are on HRT.

Often, the bloating and water retention associated with menopause is mistaken as gained weight but this is normally only a temporary situation.

One positive aspect of HRT is that it can reduce the risk of heart conditions because it stops the changes in the storage of body fat. It also reduces cholesterol levels. It is quite normal as we get older to be more at risk of cardiovascular disease so anything that disperses the fat deposits from around the organs is a bonus.

Unfortunately, there have been studies that show an increased link to breast cancer in women who have hormone replacement therapy.

If you are concerned with weight gain during menopause, there are some steps you can take such as:

Eat a low-fat, high fibre diet Avoid too much sugar Keep up a regular exercise program Maintain muscle strength and mass Accept the changes to your body

there are a number of exercise programs which are suitable for people as they get older or for those with a medical problem such as arthritis. Activities such as water aerobics, tai chi, or some forms of yoga puts little stress on the joints while making great contributions to your overall health.

Of course, it is important to consult your doctor before embarking on any exercise program, particularly if you have been inactive for some time or have a medical condition. Your doctor can also give you advice on the symptoms of menopause and any subsequent weight gain.

For further information, feel free to take a look at and and

Menopause Symptoms – The modification of Life

The inevitable start of menopause is one thing that many women worry about not to mention occurs in most women between 40 and 60. It is a normal part of the female life cycle and is also due to the start of aging. It’s due to the gradual lowering of female reproductive hormones produced by the ovaries signalling the transition of the woman from being reproductive to non-reproductive. As the body begins to respond to the fluctuation and eventual decrease in natural hormonal levels there are numerous of menopause symptoms to be aware of.

One of the most well known from the menopause symptoms is called ‘mood swings’. Fluctuations accompanied by the reduction in the amount of naturally produced hormones such as progesterone or estrogens possess a dramatic effect on an individual’s psychological stability and sometimes could cause issues including irritability, forgetfulness, fatigue, depression or anxiety. This is also associated with ‘hot flushes’ the industry temporary symptom the result of a sudden sharp increase in the naturally maintained body temperature. These ‘flushes’ could be fairly extreme with sometimes a sudden surge in temperature by way of a number of degrees. While medically they are not regarded as dangerous they are able to regularly leave a woman feeling weak and the entire body will use in a heavy sweat being a natural reply to bring the body temperature back down to the optimum. Inside the most extreme cases, doctors may prescribe treatments including hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in addition to advising herbal solutions or natural causes of estrogens that are being sold non-prescription in almost any pharmacist.

Since the start of menopause continues there may be many physiological menopause symptoms that can arise throughout this sometimes worrying ordeal. With all the reducing degrees of estrogens within the body menstruation becomes less frequent and vaginal atrophy can sometimes be observed. This could include itching, dryness, bladder control problems or bleeding. Breast atrophy can also be quite common with tissue feeling swollen and tender to the touch. Skeletally it is also quite normal to be prone to aches and pains especially in the back or joints and it can also be noticeable how the skin becomes thin or dry with irritated patches and sensations including itching, burning or pins and needles. Many of these symptoms can be given simple medication or therapeutic routines.

Although it might seem there are lots of menopause symptoms to be aware of the likelihood is that once the onset begins you may only suffer from a tiny selection. Each is easily treatable and then for any local physician will reassure you thru exactly what can think that a difficult ordeal with friendly advice and understanding.

menopause symptoms you have to understand. Check out more about menopause symptoms here.

Tips on how to survive menopausal symptoms

Obviously you dont think of menopause when you are only 14 years old, but often hear your mother and friends talk about it. They are usually making jokes about it, but is it really something to joke about?

As soon as you start nearing the 30s, you start wondering about it more and more. It is a fact like the day you were born that you will have to pass through it. Its like death, you cant skip it and you cant go around it.

Making it worst is all that symptoms awaiting you that you can see ruining other peoples lives. Think about it. hot flashes, night sweats, brittle nails, depression and not to mention vaginal dryness, discharge, itching, burning and God forbid incontinence.

This doesnt sound like the way I wanna spend my golden years!! Do you?

Menopause doesnt really have to be such a horror in your life. Today the world of Medicine is so advanced and for every problem, there is a cure in the form of some tablet or syrup. Today, you just have to decide. natural or generic!

You get so many medicines today for menopause and you can even refill your “lost” hormones by using (hormone replacement therapy) HRT. The only thing you need to decide is if it is worth all the possible side effects. I mean, is it worth risking getting endometrial cancer, breast cancer, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), ovarian cancer, heart attacks, gallbladder disease, breast pain, nausea, bloating, fluid retention, negative mood swings and not to mention taking progestin with estrogen during HRT increases the intensity of the tissue in the breast making mammograms more difficult to interpret.

Luckily there are safe and natural ways too of overcoming these symptoms and surviving menopause. We will discuss just a few ways of overcoming these symptoms and show you how to stay sane during this time of your life.

Knowledge is POWER!!

Never think that you do not need to know about menopause. that will be one of your biggest mistakes. If you know what to look for or what to expect, you will immediately recognize it if the big “M” comes knocking on your door. Even better than recognizing it, will be the ability to stand your ground and be able to ease the symptoms of menopause.

Think about it, think about it..mmmmm

Probably one of the most important steps you can take in the fight against menopausal symptoms is to be mentally prepared for the onslaught. This just means that you have to know as much as possible about this time in your life, but without becoming obsessed with it. How do you do it? Simply by reading, listening and sitting down with your doctor and discuss the signs and symptoms, how it will affect you and the people around you as well as treatment options. One can never know too much.

Food, food.. glorious food!!

Food containing plant estrogens has been proven to control cholesterol and help relieve some menopausal symptoms. This is the best remedy to relieve the symptoms of menopause and help you have a fulfilling life the natural way.

The following foods are known to contain plant estrogens: flaxseed oil, nuts, celery, parsley, Lima beans and soy products. Consuming a well balanced diet with all of these estrogen rich foods will certainly ease the menopause period.

Exercise regularly

A proper diet and a good workout are indispensable to ease the menopause period. There is a saying that says a healthy body houses a healthy spirit, and that is so true. A lack of exercise will increase the menopausal symptoms as well as the intensity of the symptoms. With a lack of exercise also comes the risk of weight gain, osteoporosis and cardiac problems may tag along.

We have just discussed a few very important steps to ease your menopausal symptoms, although there are many more ways to assist in this battle. There are things to do which will help with each symptom specifically and there are herbs, medication and natural remedies that may eliminate all the symptoms. We recommend NaturaPause, the safe and natural solution to your menopause.

Menopause at 25

You are 25 years old and you have severe fibroids, you have a hysterectomy to cure the problem. The hysterectomy removes your womb and cervix, thank god you think no more periods or cervical smears.

So then you get to 30 and you are getting hot flushes (and not just from passion), a dry vagina, you dont want your partner, you are moody, you are weepy. Were you warned that this would happen?, have you had these symptoms and been told that you were imagining them?. What sort of information did you get from you GP or hospital?, have you had regular blood tests to monitor the levels of oestrogen in your blood?

Are you aware that you are probably going through the menopause? The menopause at 30 you think, but my ovaries were left intact, they werent removed and they should be continuing to work right up until Im 50 (or thereabouts) shouldnt they?

In actual fact 1 in every 4 women who has a hysterectomy which leaves their ovaries in position will go through an early menopause within 5 years of their operation. Many women are aware of the issues concerning menopause, that our natural protection against heart disease wears off leaving us with the same incidence as men, that somehow oestrogen production is linked with osteoporosis and this causes many of the problems with fractures that older women can suffer. The earlier you have your menopause the earlier you will begin to experience problems such as those above and others associated with ageing. All women need to be aware of the potential risk of an early menopause when they have a hysterectomy and they need to understand what that may mean for their life in later years so that they can take adequate measures to safeguard their health.

If a woman has a complete hysterectomy she should be offered hormone replacement therapy, in one form or another, from the outset. She may or may not choose to take it and there are many ways to help yourself without taking HRT, and with the right information the right choice can be made.

Natural Cure for Menopause Signs and Symptoms

Menopause is the stage of women’s life where they no longer menstruate or get pregnant. It is a very natural process related to hormonal, physical and psychosocial changes in women’s life. It usually affects women somewhere between the ages of 40 and 60. Due to the fluctuation of estrogen and progesterone hormones, most women will experience some symptoms associated with menopause during this phase of life.

Common signs and symptoms of menopause include low sex drive, bloating and weight gain, headaches, mood swings, fuzzy thinking, memory loss, hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, depression, tender breasts, insomnia, water retention, irregular periods and excessive menstrual bleeding.

Although menopause is a very natural stage of life that all women go through, various symptoms associated with it can be annoying. Some women encounter many of those bothersome symptoms. Other women suffer just few symptoms while some others experience none at all.

Natural cure for signs and symptoms of menopause

In an effort to lessen the discomfort associated with this natural occurrence, many women turn toward natural cure for menopause symptoms to avoid side-effects of traditional treatments for menopause signs. Below are several natural remedies to help control many signs and symptoms of menopause.
Try to relax by adopting breathing techniques to soothe and calm your body.
Use natural fibers like cotton or wool for clothing and bedding to help with hot flashes and night sweats.
St. John’s Wart supplement is believed to help many women to be less irritable, less depressed, and even energized.
Kava kava and valerian can reduce moodiness.
Black cohosh can help with hot flashes, cramps, and heavy menstrual bleeding.
Chasterberry also can help with hot flashes as well as vaginal dryness.

Other menopause natural cures are acupuncture, aromatherapy, relaxation techniques, breathing exercises and improved sleeping habits, which can help relax the mind and body as well as maintain a healthy balance. Proper room temperature, use of cotton betting and a comfortable mattress, use of air purifier to freshen the air, etc. all can help make each night a more restful one.

While going through menopause can be annoying and irritating, especially with all the symptoms associated with it, there is hope. Many options from traditional HRT to various natural cures for menopause symptoms such as relaxation techniques are available to help alleviate, or even eliminate the signs and symptoms of menopause. You can learn more about menopause and perimenopause symptoms, as well as physician-recommended natural remedies to reduce symptoms of perimenopause and menopause at PerimenopauseSymptoms.Org.