Eliminate the Symptoms of Menopause

I wanted to talk to you about how you can eliminate the symptoms of menopause, so you don’t have to go through this. A lot of women have accepted this as a fact that just happens as women move from fertility to infertility. Even those the fertility cycle will always exist, the symptoms of menopause do not have to exist. Outside of the Western world this is a relatively unknown concept for women. Asian countries have very little of this and it really has to make you wonder what we are missing in the Western world.

The symptoms of menopause vary in magnitude and effect. They all can be quite diverse as well. The first and most common is hot flashes. This is where you run into these periods of time where you get very hot. This tends to lead to another symptom called night sweats. You’ll wake up in the middle of the night soaked in sweet, which can be quite an annoying problem to have. The symptoms don’t stop there, they even extend into such things as anxiety which will keep you even more uptight with these symptoms.

To eliminate the symptoms of menopause we have to get the natural herbs and spices into our diet that women in the eastern world have in their diets. This can be tough for people in the western world because we’re just not used to them. We have a particular taste for our food and that is what we like. I’ve found that the supplement known as Menozac works great. It has all the herbs designed specifically for eliminating any symptoms you maybe experiencing from menopause.

Get immediate Relief For Menopause

How to Diagnose the Symptoms of Menopause

When a woman first starts to experience the symptoms of menopause, it isn’t something that will be obvious right away. At least in most cases, the effect is more of a slow, insidious and painful realization that something is very wrong. Here are the real tests to find out if a women is in menopause or may have something quite different.

In order to find out for certain that you are going through the menopause, you will of course have to visit your doctor and have some tests performed. Just because a woman has the symptoms of menopause such as night sweats, irritability, headaches, or irregular periods, doesn’t mean conclusively that she has started. The first test is a blood test to find out the level of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) in the blood, which if is above 30 IU per liter then a positive sign may be at hand. Of course there are other possible diagnoses, such as carcinoid syndrome, pheochromocytoma, or even hypothyroidism. If any misdiagnosis of these is made, serious health issues can be the result.

When a woman has hot flashes, this is due to the drastic changes in hormone levels in the body. These can cause changes in the endocrine system, which helps to regulate what’s called the -vasomotor- system. Vasomotor refers to the muscles that control vasodilation, dilation of the interior of the blood vessels. The endocrine system, once made unstable, can also effect the mood, sleep patterns, and libido of a woman.

Although levels of estrogen may be at work here, studies have not found a direct link between hot flashes and lower blood levels of estrogen. Researchers believe that other factors are the cause, such as the estrogen working in conjunction with noradrenergenic stimulation (increase in norepinephrine) which triggers wide variations in heat regulation in the body. The main product created when norepinephrine breakdown is the chemical 3-methoxy-4-hydrooxyphenolglycol. Levels of this chemical were found in higher concentrations in women that reported frequent hot flashes, as opposed to women that had none.

So what does it all mean? If you are having hot flashes, as well as other symptoms of menopause, see your doctor right away so tests can be done. Ruling out other diseases is only the first part of the equation, after that you may want to find some relief for your symptoms that can get you back to feeling normal again.

There are many symptoms of menopause and also many cures for these symptoms. Learn as much as you can about them, and you can take positive steps to find relief for yourself.

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The Sexual Spirit Of Post Menopause Or The Old Goddess Was A Lover

Now that the children of the swinging Sixties are approaching their own 60s, the sexual challenge renews itself in a different way. What kind of sexuality is relevant now – if at all? So many seem to be embracing an asexual old age. Perhaps post-menopausal time is the time for a more transcendental approach to sexuality.

Let menopause be the death of the bad, sad, and dutiful sex but not the death of sex. In old age, being our authentic selves (in or out of relationship), our sexuality, and our spirituality is the path itself. The reawakening of spirituality and a renewed sexuality are mutually inclusive. It is Crone’s work and part of our conscious evolution

In legend, the Great Goddess had three aspects all parts divine; like the moon in her phases, like life itself past/present/future, birth/life/death. She is Virgin / Mother / Crone; Maiden / Wife /Witch.

Other versions described four aspects; chaste, promiscuous, motherly and bloodthirsty; modest, sensual, nurturing and ruthless; virginal, harlot, fertile and warlike; immaculate, wanton, motherly and warrior.

All renditions have the fierce component and the nurturing/fertile aspect. But sexuality is befuddled and divided; what does it mean to be chaste and promiscuous? We do not have an image for it because our worldview denies a sacred sexuality, sex is either good or bad. So chaste is split from promiscuous, modest from sensual, virgin from harlot, immaculate from wanton. Essentially the lover aspect is separated from both mother and maiden and severely condemned. In truth the lover aspect is the priestess of love serving eros. She is ecstatic and transcendent in nature. We need to feel the lover within us, in all aspects of our life. (Sacred) sexuality imbues all aspects of the life cycle.

Defining the Virgin by her unbroken hymen is a patriarchal concept, a limited and literal understanding of virginity. Metaphorically and psychologically, the Virgin is the autonomous part of a woman’s psyche; the intrinsic self not owned by, needing, or requiring a man’s validation. She could be sexual – or not. (On the matter of “losing your virginity”, there is the wonderful story in the novel Red Tent, where the older women gently pierce the hymen at first menstruation with one of those little goddess figurines. Essentially, the menstruating girl’s initial physical penetration is an initiation by the goddess not a male violation with blood on the sheet in barbaric proof of possession.)

The patriarchy had to wrest control of the life cycle from the Goddess. Life and death were fairly straightforward; but to command procreation, the mother/wife had to be owned in marriage, and sexuality had to be strictly confined there. The mother image was idealised and spiritualised. She was always caring and patient; no room for anger and frustration.

By severe distortion, then, the Virgin and Mother phases of the ancient goddess could be assimilated into Christianity. But the Crone absolutely could not; the word itself derives from the word crown, and indicates the lost power of ancient queens. The Crone was wise, mysterious, independent and awesome. Too much like the male god aspect! According to Barbara Walker, patriarchal religions could not achieve full control of men’s minds until the crone figure was suppressed.

Compare the wisdom figure of India, where the divine Shakti is “an almost untranslatable amalgam of wife, mistress, queen, power, genius, strength, authority, mind, vulva, woman and cosmic energy”, and every god needed his Shakti in order to act. Here are multifaceted options for real women!

But in the West they crippled our Crone, leaving only images of ugly witches, evil stepmothers, and harmless little old ladies. A wise and wonderful (and sexual) Crone has been absent from our culture and our conscious awareness for too long. Without her, our life options are distorted and old age bleak indeed.

The Crone’s liberation is to “exercise her own will”, after centuries, to incorporate all aspects, virgin, mother, crone and lover.

Reclaiming the Crone means the spiritual and psychological deepening of soul that maturity can bring, including a clearing and healing of one’s sexual wounds. Only this is a proper platform for the redefinition of sexuality (and spirituality) required at menopause that can lead to a radically new kind of vital aging.

What is Menopause

Menopause occurs to women when their ovaries stop producing eggs. It also means that the menstrual cycles of women stop. During this stage, a woman becomes less and less fertile and unable to produce babies. It normally occurs with women between ages 45-53.

There are many symptoms that women go through that may show signs of menopause. Although normal, most women find discomfort in the fact that they know their body process is steadily changing. It doesn’t simply affect the body but their psychological balance as well. The most popular symptoms of menopause are hot flashes, migraines, back pain and a decrease in sexual appetite.

There are different ways that women try to cope with these changes. One of the most popular, and the cheapest, ways is through ingestion of antidepressants. It helps women deal with hot flashes and give them a more relaxed feeling. It is said that they are able to sleep better, because the body’s function slows down significantly as it tries to calm down the person. It gives temporary relief, though, as in some cases taking in antidepressants cause side effects like insomnia and constipation.

Conjugated equine estrogens are also used by women to help them cope with menopause. It is done for women to adjust certain bioidentical hormones for menopause. It leaves a calm state where they experience less of the symptoms of menopause. The result of estrogen shots give them the feeling of that of a fertile woman; as estrogens are the necessary components of for child giving.

Hormone replacement therapy is another method for women to try and ease the process of undergoing menopause. It can be taken in a form of a tablet or patches applied on the skin. It helps in altering bioidentical hormones menopause to make women feel relief from hot flashes, migraines and some joint pains. It is one of the most popular choices for treatment.

Women understand what menopause is and what the process makes them undergo. Thanks to advancements in medicine, women can control their bioidentical hormones menopauseand make the transition a little bit more bearable.

Menopause Relief Methods

If you are going through menopause or know someone who is then you know how difficult it can be. There are all kinds of unpleasant things, such as hot flushes and poor sleep. The biggest problem always was that the only way to treat symptoms of menopause was risky to use hormone replacement therapy (HRT). It is so risky that there is an alarming number of heart disease and breast cancer, which appeared after treatment. There is one thing to help’is a product called MenoBreak. It is a safe alternative to HRT, and can alleviate most of the major symptoms.

Because menopause is a natural occurrence, before any treatment, consider treating the symptoms with natural remedies than resorting to the prescription regimen.

How many of us saw on Oprah, menopause can actually time to celebrate life. To celebrate their new freedom. Soon, you’ll not have to bother with monthly periods and cramps. You’ll never have to worry about unwanted pregnancy. The mood is daunting in and out and you will not’t get so emotional about little things.

Antioxidants play a very important role in maintaining health, skin and hair, as well as combat dryness and hot flushes. When you put all the ingredients together and get something that manages other symptoms such as weight gain, mood swings and joint pains. This is all in one product for all things menopause. Thousands of people are already benefiting from using MenoBreak. You can also get your own free sample is that all your details inches will have to pay a few dollars for shipping and handling and get to try the product free.

If you are interested in how natural menopause relief is available, then you can feel the confidence to know that there are many natural methods that have proven to be effective in women across the country, the key is finding the method or methods are most effective for you. You see, natural menopause relief often differ from woman to woman depending on what the body needs balance, so if you do’t find an effective method immediately, don’t give up.

When we think about menopause, our thoughts go to the middle-aged women with hot flushes, weight gain, mood changes and lack of sexual appetite. In fact, it is only a small part, and this change also hits the man in several ways. Yes, there is such a thing as male menopause.

The secret of living a pleasant and meaningful life after menopause is to take care of the body in early childhood. Women in general and everyone should take care of your body in early childhood to serve us better in life.