A Holistic Approach To Menopause and Depression

The feelings of sadness from menopause and depression can come in like a fog. This can be a real surprise for a woman who has never experienced feelings of depression before. The feelings of despair and frustration can come and go in waves.

To make matters worse, there is the stigma attached to depression, which only feeds the problem. There is a silver lining though! The definitely is a way to restore those good feelings of health and happiness!

One very good answer to menopause and depression is to find a holistic health provider to guide you. This type of depression, known as sub-clinical, is the result of a hormonal imbalance, which is the result of menopause.

It is common knowledge that the hormonal balance in a woman’s body is changed during menopause. This change will cause you to experience any or all of the common menopause symptoms: insomnia, irritability, mood swings, and depression.

Many women are advised to take anti-depressants, such as Prozac, Praxil and Effexor. For a woman suffering from clinical depression this is the best option, however, if your depression is sub clinical, you should certainly find out if the cause is a hormonal imbalance.

You can quickly find out a lot by taking a free test to determine if you do have a hormonal imbalance, and, if so, to what degree. A good holistic health care provider will also have a similar test you can take.

Clinical depression has no apparent cause

This is a serious condition that requires medical attention and possibly anti-depressants. Clinical depression is typically associated with intense feeling of sadness that have no apparent cause. A common cause could be a child leaving home, fatigue from overwork, stress at work, relationship problems, etc.

When the feelings just have no apparent reason, and just will not go away in time, you need to seek medical attention. After your feelings are normal, you will be in a position to use a holistic method of treatment.

Sub clinical depression is cause related

Some of the causes for sub clinical depression are things such as a death in the family, stress on the job, relationship stress, etc. Sub clinical depression will generally respond quite well to restoring your hormonal balance.


Your body naturally seeks a balanced state, which is known as homeostasis. This balance is naturally disturbed during menopause and a holistic approach to health can help you.

As you learn to interpret your own symptoms of menopause, you will have the tools you need to find that balance once again. Those good feelings of health and happiness will return and your menopause and depression will be manageable.

Randy Hough has a website: SafeMenopauseRelief.com that talks about menopause and depression.